Adaptive Re-use | Hospitality | Hotels
The campus is planned to be developed in 3 phases. The institution sprawls over a landscape which seamlessly integrates pedestrian pathways with building structures and provides connectivity to the peripheral vehicular movement and existing road network. The planning corresponds to the north south orientation with appropriate shading for all fenestrations on the façade and high albido roofs with suitable insulation; maintaining optimal comfort levels.
While natural light plays key role in most spaces, artificial lighting is controlled by the usage of high efficiency luminaries, rejecting incandescent lamp type inventory, application of day light sensors, usage of LED & HPSC outdoors, CFL & T5s in internal areas and segregating general light from task lighting. This helps limiting the watt per unit area to a level benchmarked by TERI and minimizing voltage drop in distribution design. Energy efficiency is further achieved through installation of occupancy sensors, CO2 sensors, and strategies such as exhaust air heat recovery, thermal energy storage at the A/C central plant and outside air economizers, consequently offsetting peak loads. The placement of percolation pits in the storm water drains and eventual recharge of groundwater aquifers are steps taken to judiciously utilize water resources in sync with a sustainable future.

The campus is planned to be developed in 3 phases. The institution sprawls over a landscape which seamlessly integrates pedestrian pathways with building structures and provides connectivity to the peripheral vehicular movement and existing road network. The planning corresponds to the north south orientation with appropriate shading for all fenestrations on the façade and high albido roofs with suitable insulation; maintaining optimal comfort levels.

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Campus | Institutional | Planning | Residential